The St Brendan's 200 Club 1 of 2

1. 200 Club - Information and Application

Dear Player / Parent / Member / Supporter of our club,

At St Brendan’s, we aim to provide the best facilities, the best coaching and the most supportive environment for everyone. And we aim to do all of this whilst remaining one of the cheapest clubs – if not the cheapest – in the area.

So, we are always looking at ways to raise additional funds for the club.
One source of additional funding is sponsorship and if this is an area where you think you could help,then please contact one of us for a chat.

Another source is the 200 Club. We are trying to increase the numbers who join this club. It’s very simple: you agree to pay the equivalent of just £1 per week (paid by Banker’s Standing Order of £4.33 per month) and you go into a monthly draw.

The club takes 50% of all money collected to help fund the club.

The other 50% will be divided into prizes, the value of which will depend on the number of people who are currently members.

Currently we have monthly prizes of £75, £35 and 20 but we want to boost these prizes as we gain new 200 Club members.

Please do join the 200 Club. You’ll have the opportunity of winning a prize, and the knowledge that you are helping St Brendan’s to thrive and provide a great rugby experience for all.

Please complete the form opposite, and return to the address shown or, if you use on-line banking to set up your own Standing Order, then contact Andy for the Reference Number you need to quote.

Thank you,

Chris Groves Club Chairman & Mike Power Mini & Junior Chairman


St Brendans 200 Club Application Form
